Experiences of Systematic Racism in Healthcare in the 21st century

In this exhibit we will be overviewing the history of racialized politics and media that allow for the continued disparities in minoritized people today in the American health-care system. We will be dissecting how the implications of systematic racism have affected people in the near past and continue to affect the Black community in the present day.

We will be separating our media into five sections that focus on different facets of the health-care system. Our sections will vary from the History of Race and Black and White Binary, to the Disparities of Black People, Pregnancy Bias and Social Implications of constructive ideas all within the American health-care system. 

We decided to focus on disparities in the health-care system because of how important it is to have access to affordable medical care. The goal is to bring awareness to the lack of people who are working in medical fields that actively know how to best serve the Black community. Unfortunately, there have been numerous accounts of Black people who are being underrepresented and underserved in the United States. By separating our data into five sections with specific topics, we are hoping to break down the negative experiences of the Black community and give light to the lack of justice in the medical community.