Giving a Voice to Some of the People
After witnessing Donald Trump's blantant racisim on social media and in speeches, many of his supporters were emboldenen to become volcal and publically displacy their racial prejudices. Through his remarks, Trump gave a voice to part of the population that was previously kept quiet about their racist beliefs and attitiudes.
Due to Twitter, Donald Trump's tweets using overtly racist language or with coded language were able to instantly reach millions of people. Those who worried about a decline in white Americans' political, social, and economic power and prestige found a champion in Donald Trump thanks to his emphasis on nativist nationalism and a "America first" mentality. Trump made a direct appeal to their anxiety about dwindling White dominance. Researchers have discovered evidence that backs up the so-called "Trump effect". According to the Trump effect, people become more willing to voice their prejudice as a result of Trump's racially charged rhetoric. The Trump effect, which encourages people to publicly express their racial prejudices, has increased the institutionalized legal violence that Latinos experience through the expansion of the detention and deportation regime, state-sponsored child abuse, the abolition of civil rights, and the incitement of racial violence against Latinos and other groups.