The disproportionate affects of hyper sexualization of Black Women.
Black women are disproportionately affected by sexually violent crimes , including rape , harrasment and sexual assault. Multiple stidies have shown that black women are more likely than any other race of women to experience sexual violence at younger ages, and for every 15 black women who are raped only one reports her rape.
These harmful biases make black women an easy target for sexual exploitation and sad real-world situations such as rape and sexulal violence overall.Because of the enforced idea of "solidarity" most of the time black women and reports of rape are overlooked especially if done by a man of color. If not overlooked they go through immense victim shaming and disbelief due to sterotypes and biases surrounding their sexuality which futhermore silences their voices.
The sad overrepresentaion of Black women in sexually violent statstics is a result of a even sadder society perpetuating harmful biases that lead to the hyper sexualization of black women.